Numerous people rummaged through memories and boxes and collected what love had left behind. The steadily growing collection now comprises 130 artifacts plus their respective story. Among the love objects, to which deep affection, love, but also despair, rage and obsessions are inscribed, there are numerous objects in addition: a film, text panels, documents and hanging objects. A special piece of the collection is the Tiny House in Utting at Lake Ammersee. The museum’s mobile base is the largest love object in the collection and at the same time a place of self-love and encounter. A part of the collection is permanently exhibited here and can be admired during one of the offered guided tours or workshops. Apart from this, the collection of love objects is a touring exhibition through museums, galleries, cultural institutions, seminars and company events, which inspires its visitors and brings a smile to their faces. In the book “Vergiss die Liebe nicht. Liebesobjekte und ihre Geschichten” brings together 80 objects from the collection with their individual stories.